Monday, February 25, 2008

a new song

Here it is, a new song. I've found that I'm happiest with the songs I write that are stories not about myself. If anybody still looks at this blog you can by all means tell me what you think this is about.

Seventeen Years of Dreams

You were conceived seventeen years of dreams
Conspiring against me at once
Walking on trees and laughing at me
And no one knew till we were done

Your hand in mine, it’s small and it’s fine
But I’ve found that doesn’t prevent
Fitting together, underneath leather
Fingers in the same mittens

Time comes to an end
I loved you then

Breathe on me soft, the forest, we’re lost
Our blanket is covered in leaves
Brush out your hair, extract them from there
And drop them the way you’ll drop me

Time comes to an end
I loved you then