Wednesday, August 22, 2007

watch this video

watch the whole thing, don't just dismiss it right away cause it sounds crazy.

tell me what you think. if you remember how i got drawn in by that B.S. video about global warming being a myth, maybe you can help me debunk this one too. but for now i'm drawn in.


Anonymous said...

Interesting. Very, very interesting. I was aware of the 911 sceptics, of course and took the view that they are fairly typical of a large proportion of American society which traditionally views gov't with, at the very least, suspicion and even outright hostility, unless, of course, when there is a war going down and then its all God Bless America, Support the Pres. and give him everything he asks for. Which is one of the rationalizations the sceptics use to argue the case for a CIA sponsored 911. Society, in order to exist, needs an enemy and what better way to create general support for neo-con policies than to stage a 911 and blame it on an enemy that "needed killing" in Deadeye Dick's opinion. Enough of the ranting. I believe King George and Co. are skunks, scoundrels and ne'er-do-wells but even that sorry bunch doesn't have the chutzpah to orchestrate a 911 against their own citizens and hope to get away with it. I think the 911 conspiracies are an attempt to deny al-Queda respectibility, kinda like saying those A-rabs don't have the brains to do this, so it had to have been an inside job. Google"911 conspiracy" for some interesting takes on this phenom.

Freshwind said...

I don't want to suggest anything, but I do want to remember the past. I know I'll get it for this from some angle, and that's okay, but remember what it was like in Nazi Germany? A completely unrelated race was used as a scapegoat for domination.
I am not saying there is an evil plan that resembles Nazi Germany. I am saying it does sound full of holes (even before I watched the video) and there are powerful people talking with charisma, and yet talking in circles. It does remind me of the past. It's nearly a dead ringer.

Roz said...

I believe it

Cheryl said...

Rico was really into conspiracy stuff. I have a dvd about the 911 conspiracy, I haven't watched it yet.

All I know is that this would make Rico very happy

Mel said...

I've heard of this as well, I've seen another video to, pretty crazy stuff. You should talk to some of Nathan's friends. Their twins and they're all about conspiracy's. They believe those white lines behind jets are chemtrails. They think the american government is dumping chemicals on us to shorten the life span of it's citizens for some reason. I guess they dump them in canada to. They also believe in bible codes. They believe you can find codes and the bible is just one big code and you can find predictions of the holocaust, 9/11 and that George Bush is the antichrist.